KN95 Masks for Sale
One of our packaging suppliers in Hong Kong retooled recently and offered the masks to us for purchase. We have contacted healthcare institutions to inform them of our supply contact but have had no response. We have also inquired about offering the contact to surgeons we know personally but they have told us that even in these trying times, regulations must be adhered to. The masks we have are FDA approved (the regulatory board in US) but the company has not had them passed by the Australian Standards board as Australia has not been a part of their supply chain, until now.
An aged-care facility took us up on the offer and we shipped in 500 masks for them at cost price as they had no mask and very little other PPE available to them. If you know of any organisation that is in need and is willing to accept the FDA approval as sufficient, then please get them to contact us via email and we will assist them in getting a shipment. Our shipment took 10 days but our supplier has informed us that they have found a more expedient delivery method.
We have certificates to support the above FDA approval. The Masks themselves fit well, are multi-layered and are the best option we have seen available in-stock locally. We took a big risk and shipped as many in as we could knowing the need for masks right now is paramount.
We are not profiting greatly from the sale of these masks, just covering the cost of the mask, shipping costs and the time taken (129 emails and multiple phone calls) to obtain them.
To be clear:
If any organisation involved in healthcare is in need of masks, please get them to contact us and we will not profit by assisting them. Healthcare professionals need these masks and we want to help.